Sunday 23 September 2012

Alfie Boe

It's been over 2 months since I saw the wonderful Alfie Boe in Aberdeen and yet I haven't posted a blog entry about it. Hmm, let's rectify the situation now shall we?

After eight months, the wait was finally over. On Tuesday 10th July, I would finally get to see the delightful Alfie Boe. And I tell you something, the wait was definitely worth it! My family and I  took our seats in Aberdeen's Music Hall and we waited patiently for the concert to start. The lights dimmed and 'Song to the Siren' started. Alfie's fantastic voice projected throughout the Music Hall, however we couldn't see him.

About halfway into the song, Alfie Boe appeared and everyone cheered and applauded. It truly was brilliant, finally getting to see this man in the flesh. The concert certainly did not disappoint. Aside from singing his signature 'Bring Him Home' from Les Miserables (he played Jean Valjean in the West End for 5 months and also at the Les Mis 25th Anniversary Concert), he also sang more 'contemporary' music which seemed to appeal to the audience. Alfie Boe is no ordinary tenor, he's very energetic and it was exhausting for me just watching him jumping around the stage! He also has a wicked sense of humour and he became very concerned about two audience members who had come back late from the break and then disappeared to the back of the concert hall, since they "couldn't see him from the front." Alfie wittingly replied to them: "Should have gone to Specsavers!"

As soon as the concert finished, it was time to head to the stage door. I heard that he met fans after the show and was hopeful that he would come out. There were about twenty people waiting by the stage door in anticipation that Alfie Boe would come and meet the fans. A few minutes passed and I was getting increasingly anxious, as people kept coming and going out of the stage door - some were only staff at the Music Hall which was quite disappointing.

Finally after fifteen minutes or so, a door opened and a staff member came out. He said "Alfie has to go, so he can only stay for a few minutes, so he can sign one item only." I thrust the concert programme into my sister's hand and clutched my CD, as people lined up to form an orderly queue. The queue kept on moving down and finally, it was my turn - months I waited for this and now I was finally meeting the man whose music I always listen to no matter how I'm feeling. I told Alfie I thought he was fantastic and told him I listened to him all the time. He replied with a thank you and asked me if I was from Aberdeen. I replied: "Yes" (Well I was born there, so technically I am from there). While we were talking, he signed my 'Bring Him Home' CD for me.

Then I got my photo taken with him and he put his arm around me. I was so delighted and went away feeling so, so happy! My sister Hannah also got her photo taken with him too, but she was so starstruck she could hardly say anything!

I really hope to see Alfie Boe again live one day and do hope that he will come back to Aberdeen, as he is fantastic and amazing to watch and has an amazing voice to listen to! If you ever get the chance to see him, then take it. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.